### PO 2017 ### ### Studiengang und Semester 4BaCTUT ### Modulbezeichnung Regenerative Energien 1 ### Art Pflichtfach Energieeffizienz und Vertiefung Umwelttechnik, Wahlplichtfach Chemietechnik ### ECTS-Punkte 7 ### Studentische Arbeitsbelastung 90, 120 ### Voraussetzungen (laut Prüfungsordnung) ### Empfohlene Voraussetzungen ### Pruefungsform und -dauer Klausur 2h oder mündliche Prüfung oder mündliche Präsentation und schriftliche Dokumentation ### Lehrmethoden und Lernmethoden Vorlesung ### Modulverantwortlicher I. Herraez ### Qualifikationsziele The students understand the physical and working principles of wind energy, solar thermal as well as photovoltaic energy systems. They can estimate the potential of a given site for both wind energy and solar energy applications. They are familiar with the main components of wind turbines, photovoltaics and solar thermal installations and are capable to perform a basic design of all three types of systems. They are also able to design efficient hybrid energy systems combining different technologies and energy sources. The lectures will be held in English in order to promote the skills required to work in an international environment. ### Lehrinhalte Solar and wind resource, thermal and electrical energy demand, components of wind, solar thermal and photovoltaic energy systems, physics of wind and solar energy utilization, performance analysis, efficiency of wind turbines and solar collectors and photovoltaic cells, design and sizing of wind energy, solar thermal and photovoltaic systems. ### Literatur * Hau, E.: Wind turbines, Springer, 2013. * Gash, R. and Twele, J.: Wind power plants, Springer, 2012 * Eicker, U.: Energy Efficient Buildings with Solar and Geothermal Resources, Wiley, 2014. * Arno Smets, Klaus Jager, Olindo Isabella. Solar Energy: The Physics and Engineering of Photovoltaic Conversion, Technologies and Systems, UIT Cambridge LTD, 2016 ### Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Solar thermal energy ### Dozent I. Herraez ### SWS 2 ### Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Wind turbines ### Dozent I. Herraez ### SWS 2 ### Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Photovoltaics ### Dozent I. Herraez ### SWS 2