### PO 2024 ### ### Studiengang und Semester 1MTCE ### Modulbezeichnung Introduction to Circular Economy ### Englische Modulbezeichnung Introduction to Circular Economy ### Art Lecture, seminar ### ECTS-Punkte 6 ### Studentische Arbeitsbelastung 60,120 ### Voraussetzungen (laut Prüfungsordnung) keine ### Empfohlene Voraussetzungen keine ### Pruefungsform und -dauer written exam 1,5h or oral exam, presentation ### Lehrmethoden und Lernmethoden Lecture, seminar ### Modulverantwortlicher S. Steinigeweg ### Qualifikationsziele At the end of the module students will be able to - classify CE as part of sustainable development - present the current status and developments in Europe and the world - Describe technical solutions to implement CE by - identification of options and barriers to implement CE - apply evaluation approaches (technical, economic, environmental) of CE processes. in order to - enable the use of CE technologies - develop and implement CE compliant processes - introduce CE in companies ### Lehrinhalte CE is discussed as a concept for achieving SDGs. In addition to administrative and legal framework conditions, the various technologies in particular are presented in a comparative manner. The interdisciplinary concept of CE, which goes beyond pure recycling, is discussed. Practical studies and examples from industry will be used to show how CE can be introduced in a company. In addition to technical requirements, particular attention is paid to economic and ecological factors. ### Literatur xxx ### Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Introduction to Circular Economy (lecture) ### Dozent S. Steinigweweg ### SWS 2 ### Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Introduction to Circular Economy (seminar) ### Dozent S. Steinigeweg ### SWS 2