### PO 2024 ### ### Studiengang und Semester 5BBT, 5BBTPV ### Modulbezeichnung Mixing and Stirring ### Art Wahlpflichtfach ### ECTS-Punkte 5 ### Studentische Arbeitsbelastung 60, 90 ### Voraussetzungen (laut Prüfungsordnung) ### Empfohlene Voraussetzungen ### Pruefungsform und -dauer 1,0 h oder mündliche Prüfung ### Lehrmethoden und Lernmethoden Lecture with Internship ### Modulverantwortlicher R. Habermann ### Qualifikationsziele After completing the module, students will be able to ... * understand and apply the rules of statistics for controlling the mixing quality * define and distinguish different mixing tasks * design a motor drive for an solid mixer or a stirrer * scale up mixing and stirring processes from the laboratory up to the industrial scale by ... * choicing the in order to ... * d ### Lehrinhalte Terms and definitions of mixing and stirring technology, consideration of selected mixing and stirring systems with regard to their function and application, operation and mixing tasks, procedure for scaling mixing and stirring devices. Practical experience in sampling, power measurement and scale-up respectively scale-down. ### Literatur E. L. Paul, V. A. Atiemo-Obeng, S. M. Kresta: Handbook of Industrial Mixing: Science and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2004 M. Zlokarnik: Stirring: Theory and Practice, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2001 ### Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Lecture Mixing and Stirring ### Dozent R. Habermann ### SWS 2 ### Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Internship Mixing and Stirring ### Dozent R. Habermann ### SWS 2