### PO 2024 ### ### Studiengang und Semester 4BBC ### Modulbezeichnung International Marketing (engl.) ### Englische Modulbezeichnung ### Art Wahlpflichtmodul BBC: Wahlpflichtmodul ### ECTS-Punkte 5 ### Studentische Arbeitsbelastung 60, 90 ### Voraussetzungen (laut Prüfungsordnung) none ### Empfohlene Voraussetzungen Marketing ### Pruefungsform und -dauer 3x20% = 60% 3 team presentations along the semester (20 minutes each + 10 min. discussion) 40% 1-hour written exam (individual part) ### Lehrmethoden und Lernmethoden Lecture, exercises, case studies, discussions ### Modulverantwortlicher Henning Hummels ### Qualifikationsziele Knowledge and understanding: The students know about the particularities of international business and acquire an extended knowledge and critical understanding of theories, principles, and methods of International Marketing, e.g. different models of culture as a foundation for understanding international customer behavior, methods of evaluating and selecting countries as target markets and methods to enter new countries, as well as criteria to decide between standardization and differentiation of the marketing mix in foreign countries versus the home market. They are able to expand their knowledge base independently and in a purposeful way. Skills & professional application: Intercultural competences enable the students to analyze cultural differences and evaluate their effects on marketing decision making, e.g. applying cultural models according to Hall and Hofstede. Using the particularities of international market research, they are enabled to analyze, appraise and judge unknown issues in International Marketing. Furthermore, they know how to apply their knowledge and make reasonable decisions in complex, unknown, and unstable contexts. For example, they can apply the concept of the international product lifecycle, and know when to use barter trade and how to select proper INCOTERMS in different situations. Communication and cooperation: Both on their own and in expert teams, students are able to critically discuss international marketing issues. They know how to approach foreign target groups. Also, they can prepare and hold presentations concerning International Marketing decisions to higher level hierarchies. ### Lehrinhalte The module starts out with an investigation and discussion of the global economic environment which constitutes the framework for international corporate operations. The concept of culture, as a key influence on buying behavior, is analyzed in detail. Subsequently, the particularities of international marketing activities are being explored. To a large extent this is based on the fundamental elements of Marketing and thus includes international market research, strategic issues and the international marketing mix. However, particularly in the strategic section additional aspects such as generic internationalization strategies, methods of evaluating and selecting countries as target markets, and market entry modes extend the scope of contents to entirely new fields. All content is being illustrated by using up-to-date examples from both consumer and industrial goods markets. Exercises and case studies are used to apply learned contents to real life scenarios. ### Literatur Lernmaterialien werden über eine Online-Plattform zur Verfügung gestellt; All material will be provided digitally via Moodle: Excerpts from: Czinkota, I./ Ronkainen, M.: International Marketing. Thomson/ Southwestern, latest edition. Doole, I./ Lowe, R./ Kenyon, A.: International Marketing Strategy. Cengage Learning, latest edition. Ghauri, P./ Cateora, P.: International Marketing. McGraw Hill, latest edition. Gillespie, K./ Jeannet/ J.-P./ Hennessy, H.: Global Marketing. Houghton Mifflin, 2004. Hollensen, S.: Global Marketing. Pearson, latest edition. Kotabe, M./ Helsen, K.: Global Marketing Management. Wiley, latest edition. Mühlbacher, H./ Leihs, H./ Dahringer, L.: International Marketing. Thomson, latest edition. ### Titel der Lehrveranstaltung International Marketing (engl.) ### Dozent Henning Hummels ### SWS 4