### PO 2024 ### ### Studiengang und Semester 4BBC ### Modulbezeichnung Digital Marketing Seminar (engl.) ### Englische Modulbezeichnung ### Art Wahlpflichtmodul BBC: Wahlpflichtmodul ### ECTS-Punkte 5 ### Studentische Arbeitsbelastung 60, 90 ### Voraussetzungen (laut Prüfungsordnung) none ### Empfohlene Voraussetzungen none ### Pruefungsform und -dauer 50% team presentation (90 Min. incl. discussion) 50 % individual 1-hour written exam ### Lehrmethoden und Lernmethoden Seminar ### Modulverantwortlicher Henning Hummels ### Qualifikationsziele Knowledge and understanding: Students receive up-to-date knowledge in current topics of digital marketing. They extend their knowledge and abilities to solve modern marketing problems using digital instruments. They are able to consider and evaluate particularities, advantages and limitations of digital marketing instruments and concepts in an adequate way. Skills: Students know how to research, analyze and structure complex up-to-date topics of digital marketing on their own. Professional application: Students know about the relevance of up-to-date digital marketing for companies and are able to independently analyze the needs of a company and select and apply respective solutions. Communication and cooperation: Students can plan and carry out their work in a team, and present and discuss an up-to-date topic of digital marketing in an academically profound way. ### Lehrinhalte Overview of digital marketing, mapping of customer journeys and design of buyer personas as an opening to the semester; after thatm independent analyses and preparation of selection of topics from digital marketing in a team, e.g. influencer marketing, programmatic advertising, Metaverse/ artificial intelligence/ blockchain and their applications in Marketing, etc., and presentation of one topic. The seminar will be held in English. ### Literatur Lernmaterialien werden über eine Online-Plattform zur Verfügung gestellt; Kotler, P./ Kartajaya, H./ Setiawan, I.: Marketing 4.0.: Moving from traditional to digital. Wiley&Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, latest edition. Kotler, P./ Kartajaya, H./ Setiawan/ I.: Marketing 5.0: Technology for Humanity. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, latest edition. Depending on topic selected, further independent research and use of relevant current academic literature. ### Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Digital Marketing Seminar (engl.) ### Dozent Henning Hummels ### SWS 4