### PO 2024 ### ### Studiengang und Semester 2BBC ### Modulbezeichnung Innovation and Service Management (engl.) ### Englische Modulbezeichnung ### Art Pflichtmodul ### ECTS-Punkte 5 ### Studentische Arbeitsbelastung 60, 90 ### Voraussetzungen (laut Prüfungsordnung) none ### Empfohlene Voraussetzungen none ### Pruefungsform und -dauer 50% team presentation (30 min. incl. discussion) 50% 1-hour written exam (individual part) ### Lehrmethoden und Lernmethoden Lecture, exercises, case studies, discussions, workshops ### Modulverantwortlicher Florian Dorozalla ### Qualifikationsziele The module consists of two separate, but equally weighted parts: Innovation Management and Service Management. Innovation Management Knowledge and understanding: Students are able to analyze companies’ degree of innovation. They can separate different types of innovation and understand the relevance of disruptive dynamics within industries and markets. Skills & professional application: Students are enabled to structure and design a corporate innovation management approach. They can implement various methods of generating new knowledge for organizations. They are able to focus on different sources of innovation depending on the organizational goals and backgrounds. Communication and cooperation: The students will join groups for discussions and case studies fostering intragroup as well as intergroup exchange processes. Presentations will allow to facilitate students’ personal development when communicating with groups. Service Management Knowledge and understanding: The students know and understand the particularities of the various types of services in contrast to physical products and their implications for service management. This includes the concept of (digital) servitization. Skills & professional application: The students are able to develop new services using a design thinking approach. Based on this, they experience and live all elements of service management first hand. Communication and cooperation: The students run service management as a team project and can prepare and hold a team presentation on this. They are also able to identify, contact and integrate key partners necessary for successful service provision. ### Lehrinhalte Innovation Management: Students will understand the central of role of innovation management as a driver for competitive advantage. Beside the different phases of innovation management as for instance discussed by the stage gate model, a focus will be on consumer driven innovation as well as disruptive innovation. This module will impart theoretical fundamentals and methods to analyze the level of innovation of a company. We will use presentations, case studies (partly in cooperation with local companies) and exercises. Service Management: Linking service management to innovation management, the students will build teams and design a new service of their choice using design thinking principles. Based on this, they will develop a complete service offering considering and designing all vital elements, e.g. processes, people, partners etc. They will cover the whole service provisioning process from resource deployment through customer integration, quality assurance, and service recovery. ### Literatur Lernmaterialien werden über eine Online-Plattform zur Verfügung gestellt; Excerpts from: * Bordoloi, S./ Fitzsimmons, J./ Fitzsimmons, M.: Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology. McGrawHill, latest edition. * Goffin, K./Mitchell, R.: Innovation Management: Effective Strategy and Implementation. Bloomsbury Academic, latest edition. * Tidd, J./Bessant, J.: Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change. Wiley, latest edition. * Zeithaml, V./ Bitner, M.J./ Gremler, D./ Mende, M.: Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm. McGrawHill, latest edition. ### Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Innovation and Service Management ### Dozent Florian Dorozalla and Henning Hummels ### SWS